‘Highly Misleading’

‘Highly Misleading’


: Publications from the PACE trial reported that 22% of chronic fatigue syndrome patients recovered following graded exercise therapy (GET), and 22% following a specialised form of CBT. Only 7% recovered in a control, no-therapy group. These figures were based on a definition of recovery that differed markedly from that specified in the trial protocol.

PURPOSE: To evaluate whether these recovery claims…

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Pyrexic Disease (or, Why The Creation of SEID Should Concern Us All)


Documenting M.E.

Since the recent release of the Institue of Medicine’s report recommending the creation of a disease called Systemic Exertion Intolerance Disease, there has been a lot of confusion over what exactly the report says, and whether it is a good thing for patients. Some are claiming the report itself is about something called “ME/CFS” and not ME, and therefore doesn’t apply to ME at all (if you’re confused about the distinct differences between ME and CFS, please read this post). These people tend to see the report as a good thing. Others see the report as further muddying the waters and creating yet another diagnosis where people with varying diagnoses will be thrown together inappropriately. Even the committee members themselves, who claim to have unanimously approved the report’s contents, give varying answers on whether the report concerns ME patients or not. And while some (not all) of these committee…

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Eggy Burger Mush! A &#?$%!@ American Recipe!



Mindless Productivity

Hey there, lovers of food and democracy,

I would like to share with you a real American recipe I like to call it…


Because that is its name. Its well-established name because it’s a well-known staple of the American diet!

What’s that, you say? You’ve never heard of the patriotic wonder that is Eggy Burger Mush!? Well put a thick stick between your teeth so you don’t swallow your tongue in excitement, because I’m going to tell you how to make it…THE AMERICAN WAY!

George Washington eagle flag bazooka

Here’s what you need!

An amount of beef-like meat
Some eggs
A number of mushrooms
A quantity of hot sauce
Some cheesish stuff
A kitchen
A skillety thing
A spatulaey thing
Something that makes other things hot

Most recipes make you buy particular brands of items and use specific amounts of things. Why is that? Because recipe-inventors are Communists and don’t believe in freedom.

sad vlad putin

Is that the face of…

View original post 297 more words

Advice For Nurses Working With Severe ME Patients


Some advice for nurses.
Also useful for carers, friends and visitors to help them understand.

Documenting M.E.

The experience of having regular visits from hospice nurses has been a wonderful one, for the most part. The nurses who visit me are skilled, compassionate, intelligent, kind, caring, and just plain good at what they do. Considering I am their first ME patient ever, things have gone extremely well. Several individuals at hospice have taken hours of their own personal time to educate themselves on true ME and how to meet my needs in the best possible manner. Still, it has been a learning process, for all of us. Even I wasn’t entirely sure what to tell them at the start – after all, I’d never had this level of care before. It would take us some time to figure out what works best for me. That said, we pretty much have it down now, so I thought I’d share some of what we’ve learned. Hopefully reading this will…

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It has been a long while since I blogged and I apologise to followers who must have surely given up on me by now.

In October last year my partner was diagnosed with kidney cancer.  We were hopeful he would live longer but in the very early hours of 10 July he lost the fight and passed away.  Sooner than anyone expected.

Bob was a good man, an honest man, and my true gentleman.

my heart is still shattered.  will be for a long time yet.  maybe forever.

one day at a time.  some days I’m okay.  other days. and nights. it all crashes down again and the tears flow and flow.

and have no idea about Where To From Here.

Time will tell I guess.

In the meantime please be patient with me…I will get back to blogging seriously sooner…

                                       …or later.