Monthly Archives: December 2012


It’s been an interesting year. 2012

today is:  7th of Tevet, 5773.

A lovely day, warm, sunny at last, after days of rain.

Softened by a cool light playful breeze.

The leeks are in flower. And the purple bouquets are abuzz with bees,

happily drinking leek nectar.

And the garlic too is beginning to flower…2 bright mauvy red heads.  I only planted two cloves.

The chinise cabbage is growing fast.  Lately I’ve taken up searching through the leaves, picking off green caterpillars.  I don’t kill them.  Instead I move them to a pile of weeds on the other side of the yard, where  they can munch as much as they like.

There’s half a dozen tomato plants. These are bushing out and growing taller.  Saw a yellow flower on one, so soon, in a couple of weeks there should be lots more.  These plants are grown from seeds collected from tomatoes we bought from Mannies’.

The parsley seeds didn’t grow…but I expected that as they were a couple of years old.

I’m much happier with the row of spring onions.  Big enough now to use with meals & needing thinning out.

To one side potatoes also sprouting, bushing up & out. 

And I’ve prepared a couple of small gaps for the celery plants I hope to transplant out of pots.

I intend to go out there with the camera later, maybe post some pics.

For now though, I need to relax with my feet up for a while .