Monthly Archives: July 2014

Eggy Burger Mush! A &#?$%!@ American Recipe!



Mindless Productivity

Hey there, lovers of food and democracy,

I would like to share with you a real American recipe I like to call it…


Because that is its name. Its well-established name because it’s a well-known staple of the American diet!

What’s that, you say? You’ve never heard of the patriotic wonder that is Eggy Burger Mush!? Well put a thick stick between your teeth so you don’t swallow your tongue in excitement, because I’m going to tell you how to make it…THE AMERICAN WAY!

George Washington eagle flag bazooka

Here’s what you need!

An amount of beef-like meat
Some eggs
A number of mushrooms
A quantity of hot sauce
Some cheesish stuff
A kitchen
A skillety thing
A spatulaey thing
Something that makes other things hot

Most recipes make you buy particular brands of items and use specific amounts of things. Why is that? Because recipe-inventors are Communists and don’t believe in freedom.

sad vlad putin

Is that the face of…

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